Terms and conditions of use

This document regulates the terms and conditions of use of this website, that the user is invited to strictly observe with the purpose of a proper user navigation.

The terms of use and the cookie policy are available at all times to the user on every page of the site through a specific link.

Recalling the commitment to put on the site accurate, reliable and constantly updated information, it is not possible to provide any guarantee as to the contents of the site. The law firm Astolfi e Associati consequently declines any liability with respect to any lack of accuracy, updating, completeness, adequacy and/or timeliness of the information on this site, as well as to the use of such content by the user.

This website may contain links and/or references to third-party websites, for which Astolfi e Associati law firm has no control. The existence of any links and/or references to websites of third parties does not imply in any way an approval of its contents by Astolfi e Associati law firm, which does not respond therefore of its reliability and accuracy, declining any responsibility with reference to what is offered within the above-mentioned sites.

Studio Legale Astolfi e Associati si impegna ad adottare tutte le misure idonee e ragionevoli, secondo la vigente normativa, per proteggere il sito da worms, trojans e/o altre minacce (c.d. materiali nocivi). Pur adottando la massima diligenza, Studio Legale Astolfi e Associati non può comunque garantire che il sito sia privo di materiali nocivi e declina, pertanto, ogni responsabilità in ordine a qualsivoglia perdita, spesa, onere e/o danno occorso all’utente a causa di materiali nocivi provenienti da questo sito web, ovvero da eventuali collegamenti e/o riferimenti a siti di terze parti presenti sul sito. Studio Legale Astolfi non risponde, pertanto, di eventuali virus che possano colpire l’attrezzatura informatica od altra proprietà del visitatore in conseguenza dell’accesso, dell’utilizzo e/o della navigazione sul presente sito.

Astolfi e Associati law firm is committed to take all reasonable and appropriate measures, under current regulations, to protect the site from worms, trojans and/or other threats (so-called harmful materials). While adopting the utmost diligence, Astolfi e Associati law firm can not guarantee that the site is free of harmful materials and consequently declines any responsibility with regard to any loss, expense, liability and/or damages caused to the user by harmful materials from this website, or from any links and/or references to third party websites on the site. Astolfi e Associato law firm can not therefore be liable for any viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property as a result of visitor access, use and/or the navigation on this site.

Astolfi e Associati law firm owns the site and owns its domain. All content published and/or made available are protected by copyright law and/or the protection of intellectual property rights. The contents of the site may not be copied, except for personal and non-commercial, keeping all the warnings and directions on the ownership of the copyright and/or intellectual property, including disclaimers of liability in favor of Astolfi e Associati law firm herein mentioned. With the exeption of what is permitted in these terms of use, the user is prohibited to copy, distribute, publish, display, download, modify, reproduce, alter and/or retransmit or part of the content of the present website.

Astolfi e Associati law firm is committed to ensuring continuity with the site's features, but disclaims any liability with respect to any technical problems and/or maintenance requirements, such as to cause disruption to the same functionality. In any case, law firm Astolfi e Associati reserves the right to block, modify and/or discontinue (temporarily or permanently) one or more features of the site, at any time and without warning obligation to users. For any clarification and/or information about the terms of use, the user can contact at any time the law firm Astolfi e Associati, via Larga, 8, 20122 Milano (avvocati@studiolegaleastolfi.it).

Astolfi e Associati Law Firm reserves the right to revise these terms of use through regular updates. As these revisions are binding on the user, please continuously review the terms of use in order to be up to date with any changes.
These terms of use are governed by italian law.