
There are several professionals associated with Astolfi e Associati law firm:

Lorenzo Marangoni


Born in Milan on March, the 31st, 1969, he graduated in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan in 1995.

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 1999 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2012.

He mainly works in the fields of industrial criminal law and corporate compliance, and is a member of Supervisory Bodies of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

He also offers consultancy to companies and trade associations that mainly operate in the pharmaceutical, medical devices, health food products and cosmetics sectors.

He carries out training activities at conferences and congresses in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2001, he is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: "Commercio all’ingrosso di medicinali senza autorizzazione e responsabilità penale del farmacista (nota alla sentenza della Corte d’Appello di Firenze – Sez. III penale – n. 3258 del 4 gennaio 2017)", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2017; "Le nuove sanzioni del regolamento cosmetici: aspetti rilevanti e impatto nei rapporti tra la filiera", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016, "Nessun limite preventivo alla pubblicità degli integratori alimentari a base di erbe e piante", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2015; "Cosmetici: il marchio “falso d’autore” è nullo in quanto allude ad un’attività illecita Nota alla sentenza del Tribunale di Napoli – Sezione Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale n. 539 del 14 gennaio 2013”, in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico, 2013; "Tutela del Made in Italy – L’impatto della nuova disciplina nel settore cosmetico", in Cosmetic Technology, 2010.

Languages: Italian and English

Patrizio Melpignano


Born in Brindisi on June, the 2nd, 1970, he graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Bari in 1993.

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2010 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2012.

He mainly works in the fields of civil, commercial, corporate, financial intermediaries, banking law, medical liability and industrial relationships. He is a member of Management Board of non-listed companies.

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2001, he is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: Il fascicolo sanitario elettronico”, Innovazione PA, 2022; “Il danno alla salute del dirigente per eccessivi carichi di lavoro”, Dirigenti Industria, maggio 2022 “Il diritto di critica nel rapporto dirigenziale”, Dirigenti, Industria, aprile 2022; “La responsabilità sanitaria in tempo di pandemia”, in Innovazione PA, 2022; "La pandemia covid 19 nel sistema giuridico italiano", in Innovazione PA, 2021; "Firma del cliente nel contratto quadro in materia di servizi di investimento", in, 2016; "Best execution e obbligo di indicare le ragioni di urgenza nell’esecuzione dell’ordine", in, 2016; "Offerta fuori sede nei casi di collocamento presso gli uffici personali dei promotori",, 2016; "Impossibile sommare interessi moratori e compensativi ai fini della verifica del superamento del tasso soglia", in, 2016; “Più semplice calcolare l’indennità di avviamento nella cessione di farmacie”, in Farmacia news, n. 4, 2007; "La giurisdizione della Corte dei Conti per danno erariale nei confronti del farmacista", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico, 2003.

Languages: Italian and English

Francesca Di Marco


Born in Milan on April, the 7th, 1972, she graduated in Law from the University of Milan in 1996.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2002 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2016.

She mainly works in the field of health law, with particular reference to medical liability issues and issues inherent to professional operators and hospitals, as well as related insurance law implications.

She also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance and consultancy in civil, commercial and social security fields before ordinary courts with regard to issues relating to health care facilities and individual operators.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2000, she is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: "Il nuovo sistema della responsabilità sanitaria: contenuti e criticità della L. 24/2017", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2017; "Responsabilità sanitaria: la nuova L. 24/2017 in vigore dal 1 aprile 2017", in Riabilitazione Oggi, vol. 3/2017; "Ddl Gelli - Disposizioni in materia di responsabilità sanitaria", in Riabilitazione Oggi, vol. 1/2017; "Ddl Gelli - Provisions on medical liability" in Riabilitazione Oggi, vol. 4/2016; "Responsabilità sanitaria: identificazione o distinzione tra struttura e medico e profili applicativi", in Bollettino SICCH - Società Italiana di Chirurgia Cardiaca, giugno/luglio 2015.

Languages: Italian and French.

Annalisa Cecchi


Born in Pavia on August, the 24th, 1976, she graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Pavia in 2001.

In 2003, she graduated from the School of Specialisation for legal professions at the University of Pavia and the Bocconi University of Milan. In 2003 and 2004, she took part in the "European Constitution" project organised by the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Pavia.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2004 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2016.

She mainly works in the fields of pharmaceutical and health legislation, cosmetic and nutritional products, assisting companies that operate in these sectors.

She also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance and consultancy in the field of civil and administrative law with regard to issues relating pharmacies as companies, buying and selling of pharmacies, and the relationships between pharmacists and Public Administration.

She carries out training activities at conferences and masters courses related to the pharmaceutical sector.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2003, she is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: Partecipazione a società di farmacie e incompatibilità “con qualsiasi rapporto di lavoro pubblico o privato”: arrivano i chiarimenti della Corte costituzionale”, in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2020; “La completezza delle indicazioni contenute nel foglietto illustrativo esime la casa farmaceutica da responsabilità in caso di danno derivato dall’assunzione di specialità medicinale. Nota a Cassazione Civile, Sez. III, sent. n. 6587 del 7 marzo 2019”, in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della Salute, 2019; "Riforma dell’ordinamento farmaceutico ad opera della Legge sulla “concorrenza” e parere del Consiglio di Stato: un’interpretazione che per certi aspetti fa discutere", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; "Distribuzione all’ingrosso di farmaci da parte dei titolari di farmacia: orientamenti contrastanti in giurisprudenza", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2017; "Note in tema di acquisto di quote di società di farmacia in pendenza del concorso straordinario", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016; "Le sedi farmaceutiche divenute “soprannumerarie” in pendenza del concorso straordinario vanno soppresse?", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016; "La sospensione dell'efficacia dei requisiti per il trasferimento di titolarità di farmacia", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2015.

Languages: Italian, English and Spanish.

Sara Bravi


Born in Castel San Giovanni (PC) on October, the 17th, 1977, she graduated in Law from the University of Parma in 2000.

She is a member of the Piacenza Bar Association since 2005 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2017.

She mainly works in the field of civil law, with particular reference to contracts and civil liability (health liability, product liability, pre-contractual and contractual liability). She also works in the field of the protection of personal data (privacy).

She provides extra-judicial assistance, as well as judicial assistance in ordinary courts, to natural and/or legal persons (mainly companies).

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2006, she is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: "GDPR in ambito sanitario e farmaceutico: tra nuovi principi e adempimenti in tema di trattamento di dati relativi alla salute", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; "Normativa sui cookie e chiarimenti del Garante nell’imminenza dell’entrata in vigore", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2015; "Amministratore di sostegno e consenso informato: profili ricostruttivi ed interpretativi alla luce dei recenti orientamenti", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2006; "Responsabilità penale e attività medica in équipe", in Rivista Penale, no. 7-8/2005 and La nostra Tribuna, no. 2/2005.

Languages: Italian, English and French.

Emanuele Poggi


Born in Milan on June, the 26th, 1970, he graduated from the University of Milan in 1998.

From 2010-2013 he was a Professor of Labour Law at the first year Master course on Nursing Management for coordination functions of the health professions at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome, Cotignola (RA).

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2004 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2017.

He mainly works in the fields of civil, commercial, corporate, and insurance law, notably as regards contracts, medical liability and industrial relationships.

He also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance and consultancy in court and arbitration to corporations and companies, partners and members of administration and control bodies, auditors and audit firms.

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2008 and is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute".

Languages: Italian and English

Annalisa Scalia


Born in Milan on March, the 4th, 1972, she graduated in Law from the University of Pavia in 1997.

She is a member of the Pavia Bar Association since 2001 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2013.

She mainly works in the fields of pharmaceutical and health law, cosmetic products, food supplements, medical devices (life sciences).

She also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance, both civil and administrative.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 1998, she is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising. A practical cross-border insight into pharmaceutical advertising”, Italian Chapter, 16th and 17th Editions, ICLG, 2019, 2020 and 2021;“Biosimilari: alla ricerca di un punto di equilibrio tra salute del paziente, libertà prescrittiva del medico e sostenibilità del sistema” (in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2020);"Associazioni di donatori di midollo osseo: approvato lo schema tipo di convenzione con le Regioni", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2019, "L’impatto della nuova privacy sugli studi clinici", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute , 2018; "Pubblicità dei medicinali SOP: il Consiglio di Stato ne conferma la piena ammissibilità coerentemente al diritto UE (nota alla sentenza n. 2217 del 12 maggio 2017)", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2017; "Public procedures for the purchase of biological medicines: biosimilarity and bioequivalence in Italian jurisprudence", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016; "Vendita di medicinali on line: recepita la Direttiva UE", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2014.

Languages: Italian and English

Giulia Gregori


Born in Pavia on December, the 3rd, 1986, she graduated in Law from the University of Pavia in 2011 after attending the University of Caen Basse-Normandie (Erasmus program).

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2019.

She mainly works in the field of pharmaceutical and healthcare law and she has also gained experience in data protection law, providing judicial and extra-judicial assistance and consultancy in the civil field.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2013 and is an editorial assistant of the board and member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: "Italy: Digital Health Laws and Regulations", in International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) - Digital Health, 2020 e 2021, I and II edition; “I green claim e la deriva del greenwashing: gli orientamenti delle Autorità competenti per contrastare il fenomeno”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2020;AGCM: proposte di riforma concorrenziale ai fini della legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2014; “Farmacia dei servizi: il Ministero della Salute elabora le linee di indirizzo”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2014; “Il nuovo Codice di deontologia medica”, the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2014.

Languages: Italian, English and French

Claudia Pasturenzi


Born in Voghera (PV) on November, the 16th, 1985, she graduated in Law from the University of Pavia in 2010.

She is a member of the Pavia Bar Association since 2014.

She mainly works in the fields of pharmaceutical and health legislation, medical device and cosmetic products, assisting companies that operate in these sectors. She participates as speaker in conferences and events on various legal topics in her areas of work.

She also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance and consultancy in civil and administrative fields.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2014, she is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as the author of several publications, including: "Italy: Digital Health Laws and Regulations", in International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) - Digital Health, 2020 e 2021, I and II edition; “Servizi al paziente: quando si tratta di telemedicina e quali sono le relative implicazioni (focus sulla necessità della preventiva autorizzazione regionale)”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2021; “I green claim e la deriva del greenwashing: gli orientamenti delle Autorità competenti per contrastare il fenomeno”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2020; "Specialità medicinali: il Ministero della salute ha adottato il decreto sulle modalità di donazione e la circolare interpretativa", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; "Specialità medicinali: il Ministero della salute ha adottato il decreto sulle modalità di donazione e la circolare interpretativa", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; " Specialità medicinali: approvata la legge per la riduzione degli sprechi" was approved, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016; "È incostituzionale la sanzione per l’omessa comunicazione dei compensi per gli incarichi a dipendenti pubblici - Nota alla sentenza della Corte Costituzionale n. 98 del 5 giugno 2015", in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2015 ; “Procreazione medicalmente assistita di tipo eterologo: panoramica dopo la sentenza della Consulta n. 162/2014”, in the Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2014.

Languages: Italian, English and French

Mauro Putignano


Born in Copertino (LE) on October, the 1st, 1969, he graduated cum laude in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan in 1995.

From 2001 to 2013, he was a lecturer in Administrative Law I and Administrative Law II (administrative justice) at the law faculty of the Carlo Cattaneo University of Castellanza.

He has been a lecturer in Administration Science at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan since 2014.

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 1998 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2015.

He mainly works in the field of administrative law, with particular reference to the pharmaceutical and healthcare area (authorisation, accreditation and negotiated agreements; health professions), as well as issues relating to the activities and functioning of local authorities, their relationships with affiliated companies and dealers, public procurement, personnel, urban planning, construction and the environment.

He also provides judicial assistance before civil, administrative, accounting and tax Courts, and extra-judicial consultancy to private individuals and Public Administrations. He participates in tender committees for the award of public contracts.

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2014 and is a member of the editorial board of the "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute", as well as "Riabilitazione Oggi".

He is the author of several publications, including:"La nuova governance della spesa farmaceutica - Una prima lettura “a caldo” della legge n. 45/2018", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2019; "Prime considerazioni sulla “sanatoria” delle professioni sanitarie di cui alla legge n. 145 del 2018", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; "La disciplina del soccorso istruttorio alla luce dei più recenti sviluppi giurisprudenziali e del nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2016; "Il ripiano della spesa farmaceutica: una lettura ragionata delle recenti pronunce del Giudice Amministrativo", in Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2015.

Languages: Italian and English

Francesco Tiboni


Born in Bergamo on May 18th, 1981, he graduated in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 2010. 

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2014. 

He mainly works in the field of civil law as well as in the sector of pharmaceutical and health law (life science). 

He also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance and advice, both in the civil and administrative fields. 

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2020 and he is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute". 

Languages: Italian and English.

Roberta Beretta


Born in Pavia on July, the 19th, 1972, she graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Pavia in 1998.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2001 and authorised to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2014.

She mainly works in the fields of civil law, commercial law, corporate law and succession law, assisting companies and individuals, either in court or out of court, also in arbitral proceedings and disputes involving international private law issues.

She is a member of the editorial board of the legal review "Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute".

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2021.

Languages: Italian and English

Francesca Libanori


Born in Sondrio on October, 1st, 1968, she graduated in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan in 1993.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 1998 and authorized to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation since 2013.

She mainly works in the fields of pharmaceutical and health law, cosmetic products, food supplements, medical devices (life sciences).

She also provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance, both civil and administrative.

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2024 she is the author of several publications, including: “Medicinali biologici. La legge di bilancio: un’occasione parzialmente perduta”, Rassegna di diritto farmaceutico e della salute, 2018; “The Life Sciences Law Review”, Italian Chapter, 10th Edition - 2021; “The Practical Law, Cross Border Edition - Life Sciences”, Italian Chapter, Ed. 2011, 2012, 2013; “Focus sulla procedura autorizzativa condizionata in EMA”,  2021; “L’uso della cannabis è legale in Italia? Analisi della disciplina”, 2021; “In tema di farmaci alcune novità nel disegno di legge sulla concorrenza”, 2021; “A proposito di private enforcement”, breve nota a Corte di Giustizia UE, Grande Sezione, 6 ottobre 2021, n. C-882/19, 2021; “La pubblicità del farmaco. Un breve compendio alla portata di tutti”,  Top Legal - Focus Life Sciences & Healthcare, 2021; “Prescrizioni off-label ed equivalenza terapeutica. La Nota 98 cambia la scena”, in About Pharma, Business e Mercato, Luglio/Agosto 2021-N. 190.

Languages: Italian and English

Nicoletta Pagni


Born in Milan on February, 6th, 1979, she graduated in Law from the University of Genoa in 2005 and carried out legal practice in labor law at leading Milan law firms.

She was a PhD student in labor law and industrial relations at the University of Pavia and Tutor at the employment contract law course held by Professor Mariella Magnani at the University of Pavia.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2009.

She mainly works in the field of labor law and union relations providing extra-judicial and judicial assistance throughout Italy. She is specialized in day-by-day consultancy to Italian and foreign companies in the field of human resources management and in drafting contracts as well as in the filed of corporate restructuring processes. She gained remarkable experience in consultancy and assistance to managers and directors and in the management of relationships between companies and board members.

She is a member of AGI (Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani) and EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)

She has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2023.

Languages: Italian, English and French.

Marco Biscuola


 Born in Milan on August, 13th, 1979, he graduated in Law from the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2005.

He obtained the 1st level "E-Commerce" Master degree at the University of Camerino in 2009. Between 2013 and 2015 he attended the Higher Education School in Labor Law at AGI - Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani.

He is a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2008.

He mainly works in the field of labor law and union relations, providing extra-judicial and judicial assistance to companies and partnerships. He is specialized in labor litigation throughout the national territory and has gained remarkable experience in agency law and in civil and administrative litigation against social security institutions.

He has been working with the Astolfi e Associati law firm since 2023.

Languages: Italian and English